Shows time for all the cities in world in many languages. + Includes date, sunrise, sundown, daytime, holiday (if its a holiday) and timezone+ Allows to setup foreach user a default location and language.+ Includes an autoshow timer for all channels to show time for cities specified in script...
Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.2
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: 2022-09-19
Shows time for all the cities in world in many languages.
+ Includes date, sunrise, sundown, daytime, holiday (if its a holiday) and timezone
+ Allows to setup foreach user a default location and language.
+ Includes an autoshow timer for all channels to show time for cities specified in script (if enabled on chan)
Version 1.2
+ solved minor bug related to time show.
+ added timezone for cities.