An utility to convert currencies. A list of currencies is available in tcl. ++ http package is REQUIRED for this script to work.++ json package is REQUIRED for this script to work. UPDATE:(v1.1) Changed source, now supports over 140 currencies. <p>Commmands: !conv ; it will convert the...Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.1
Downloads: 64
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: N/A
An utility to convert currencies. A list of currencies is available in tcl.
++ http package is REQUIRED for this script to work.
++ json package is REQUIRED for this script to work.
(v1.1) Changed source, now supports over 140 currencies.
!conv ; it will convert the in the default currency set
!conv [value] ; it will convert the value specified of to the default
!conv ; it will convert to to_currency
!conv [value] ;it will convert to