


This script offers the posibility foreach user to save a list of nicks that the eggdrop will check if there are OFFLINE or ONLINE and message the user if the status foreach nick changed. Update 1.1 :– solved issue related to WHOIS RAW remaining enabled and conflicting with other tcls. Com...

Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.1
Downloads: 117
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: N/A


This script offers the posibility foreach user to save a list of nicks that the eggdrop will check if there are OFFLINE or ONLINE and message the user if the status foreach nick changed.

Update 1.1 :
– solved issue related to WHOIS RAW remaining enabled and conflicting with other tcls.


!cnick add [nickname] – to add a nickname
!cnick list – to list nicks
!cnick del [nickname] – to remove a nickname
!cnick help


!cnick add Daniel
-WorkLinux- Added Daniel in your nick list.

18<WorkLinux> -= Nick System Message -= “Daniel” is ONLINE with host [email protected].

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