Tells you whether an Internet domain name is registered or not.Every valid user can have it’s own list of domains that the eggdrop will verify using a timer and announce if something changes to them.Version 1.2 Added field to setup keyget free key from https://www.ip2whois.comCOMMANDS: <p>To acti...
Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.2
Downloads: 84
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: N/A
Tells you whether an Internet domain name is registered or not.
Every valid user can have it’s own list of domains that the eggdrop will verify using a timer and announce if something changes to them.
Version 1.2
Added field to setup key
get free key from
To activate:
.chanset +checkdomain | from BlackTools: .set #channel +checkdomain
## !dom domain - check's the set domain
## !dom save .. - save domains for timer check
## !dom reset - reset the domains saved
## !dom status - shows the status of the saved domains
## !dom version - shows tcl version