

€35.00 €50.00

The next generation trivia script brought to you by Version 1.1 — bugs fixed — MySQL support for users, scores,stats — html page generator — includes BlackTrivia website — ftp upload for the page generated to website. Commands: 1. /PRIVMSG q add...

Author: BLaCkShaDoW
Version: 1.1
Added: 2022-09-19
Last Updated: 2022-09-19


The next generation trivia script brought to you by

Version 1.1

— bugs fixed

— MySQL support for users, scores,stats

— html page generator

— includes BlackTrivia website

— ftp upload for the page generated to website.


1. /PRIVMSG q add ::… ; add a question
FOR KAOS, put KAOS: in front of the question (KAOS – question with multiple answer)

2. /PRIVMSG q del ; remove a question

3. !trivia color 1/0 ; 1 – sets color version to trivia/ 0 – sets bold version to trivia

4. !trivia lang / ; sets language to trivia

5. !report list ; list reports made

6. !report clear ; clear all reports


load – load question files (please make sure there are in scripts)
mix [number] – mixing loaded questions


To activate:

.chanset +trivia | from BlackTools: .set #channel +trivia

!version – returns the Trivia script version.

!trivia [reset] – starts/stops Trivia [[reset] only for admins]

!hint – get’s 1 char from the hidden word

!stat [nick]/[-reset] – get’s the userstats [[-reset] to reset]

!top [gen]/[week]/[play]/[fast] – get’s the general,daily,weekly TOP

!buy – buy 1 char from the hidden word with your round points

!pow – get your power list

!place [nick] – get your place in the TOP

!play [nick] – get your play time

!report [reason] – report a invalid/wrong answer or question

!ping – get your ping reply

!help – view cmds help

— Powers —
!bonus – apply the bonus power, if you answer correctly you will get the bonus

!time – apply the extra time power, it will add X seconds to the current hint

!me – apply the ME power, only you can answer the current question

!skip – apply the skip power, skip the current question

What’s new ?

– the game is structured by rounds, each round having a number of X trivia games.

– at the end of the end the best user get’s a power based of his points

– users also can buy characters with their round points by using !buy

– no copy paste protection implemented [optional]

– users get points also based on the played time

– users get sanctioned for the wrong answers [optional]

– bonus if user advances in top

– bonus for the fastest answer

– bonus for the fastest round answer

– bonus for consecutive answers

– auto start/stop based on the activity

– user stats available like played time, played time today, rounds played alone, answered questions, answered questions from the 1st hint etc)

– automatically adds host to user if he has the same ident & nick. (users can have multiple hosts)

– accepts answer from multiple users (the points decrease based on the answer order) except for the bonus questions [optional]

– KAOS question support

– language module implemented (ro,en available)

– ro & en questions available in archive

– greet users with their stats (requires +trivia)

– autovoice for TOP users

– advertise system implemented

– anti command flood system implemented

– easy way to personalise your trivia with desired colors by using [colorname]text[nocolor], background colors support also.

– and much more…

7 Reviews for BlackTrivia.tcl

When correct answers to questions are given in the channel where the bot is running, the information is recorded correctly in the database, but the file that should be generated in the directory /home/myuser/TriviaBot/scripts/BlackTrivia/HTML/ is empty and is also not being uploaded via FTP to the specified server. What should i do :(
E cea mai tare trivia din cate exista. Ai facut treaba buna tare cu scriptul asta.
As dori sa te-ntreb un lucru, Daniel. In primul rand multumim pentru Trivia. voiam doar sa te-ntreb daca se poate cumva la fiecare raspunus corect sa se arate si punctajul general. Multumesc.
SI eu iti multumesc pentru sustinere. Imi poti trimite trivia si iti fac modificarea de rigoare doar sa imi spui ce limba folosesti la ea.
Ionut E o eroare de desing sau apare gresit la mine fundalul alb la ( de la 30 de secune.
Se vede intradevar fundal alb la prima paranteza. Se poate scoate usor. te pot ajuta daca doresti
Pare ca se vede corect.

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