great script, works a treat, could an update be done so that it can be turned on or off via a !badipon or !badipoff so that it can be activated and decactivated
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Bans onjoin users that have their IP considered as VPN/Proxy/Bad IP. Also can scan onConnect users (the eggdrop must have IRCOP status) and GLINE their IP.Commands:# !bip <nickname ip="" host=""> ; [manual check] # !bip +except <ip host=""> [add an exception, will not be scanned] # !bip -except <ip host=""> [remove...Bans onjoin users that have their IP considered as VPN/Proxy/Bad IP. Also can scan onConnect users (the eggdrop must have IRCOP status) and GLINE their IP.
Commands:# !bip